25th Anniversary Reflections

25th anniversary finale kickline

I just wanted to include here my announcements from Show 4 on Sunday, May 21st, as it summarizes what All That Jazz Dance Studio has meant to me over these past 25 years and how special this anniversary year truly has been:

•25 years since I put my first ad in the Newton tab (a real newspaper!) and had 3 parents call to enroll their kids- Rory Clark, Emma Gildesgame and Katie Dimond

•25 years of age-appropriate costumes, music, & movement

•25 years of excellence in dance training

•25 years of dance lessons that teach life lessons

•25 years of advice and teamwork from my mom and my then boyfriend turned husband Todd

•25 years of students who called the studio a second home

•And, of course, 25 years of Smile and Have Fun

Today I say THANK YOU to EVERY teacher, parent, and student who has been a part of our dance program. I HONOR you for your contributions, support, and belief in a program that teaches excellence in character and skill; encourages well-rounded and smart kids and young adults and gives everyone a place at the table.

I also thank my family, especially Todd, Gabby and Matty… All That Jazz doesn’t exist without your support and I am a better person because of your love.  You mean everything to me.

But mostly, today is a reflection of what is possible when one person believes in another. Like my Mom and Dad did for me when they told me to follow my dream 25 years ago despite my degree in British History from Bowdoin College. Like our teachers do every day in the studio for our students.  Like you parents do when you entrust us with your children.  And, most of all, like you dancers did not just by performing today, but every day, all year long when you take chances and believe in yourselves inside and outside the dance studio.

Once again, I want to thank you for being such a valuable part of our All That Jazz family and I’m already looking ahead to our 26th year with so much excitement and motivation!

Miss Deb saying Smile and Have Fun pre-recital backstage
Miss Deb Vogel making our annual pre-recital speech and the iconic scream of “Smile and Have Fun!”

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